William Simiadi,M.Sc
Vice President Director
Indonesian citizen, born in Jakarta, 26 November 1987, domiciled in Jakarta. He graduated from the Faculty of Industrial Engineering from the University of California Berkeley in 2008 and earned his Master of Science degree in Industrial Engineering Management from the University of Southern California in 2009.
He started his career in the furniture industry, involved in various business lines such as trading, distribution, and retail. With more than a decade of experience, he now serves as President Director of PT Laminatech Kreasi Sarana, PT Prasetya Gemamulia, PT Vinotindo Grahasarana and as Director of PT Vivere Multi Kreasi. Commissioner at PT Virucci Indogriya Sarana and PT Aida Rattan Industry and President Director at PT Saranagriya Cipta Kreasi.